Team Building - July 2020

The first half of 2020 was intense, so our team took a day off and went to enjoy the Lithuanian nature. In the morning we brought our things to the country house and went canoeing, two by two with not enough of sun cream. By the end of the afternoon, we were happy to finish our 18 km on river Žeimena. We really enjoyed this perfect summer day despite our burning and hurting arms we had in the end.

Back at the country house, we tried a beginner version of archery, played a bit of basketball and beach volleyball, to be sure we were hungry enough for a good diner. Our strategy worked well because everybody jumped on snacks and grilled meat! Some, too afraid of the army of sneaky mosquitos finished the evening inside, whereas the fearless ones stayed talking by the bonfire under a sky full of stars. Back in Vilnius the next day, everybody went home to rest and on Monday we were ready to get back to work!


5 Things Our Artists Wish They Knew When Becoming professionals


Gintas Galvanauskas - Senior Artist